Understanding Racism and Celebrating Diversity – A two-part pilot training course which aims to encourage conversations around understanding racism and celebrating cultural diversity in schools.


This course is intended as a starting point for further work supporting schools in West Sussex and welcomes participants who are already engaged in this work or who are interested in future development.

This course has been co-created by the West Sussex Community Safety and Wellbeing Team and the Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service and will be facilitated in two parts: Part 1: Recognising Racism – What It Means To Be An Anti-Racist. Part 2: Promoting Equality & Celebrating Cultural Diversity in West Sussex Schools.


This course will be facilitated in two parts.  It is a requirement that participants attend both sessions in order to complete the course – therefore one booking will gain access to both sessions.

The first session, led by the West Sussex Community Safety and Wellbeing Team, will explore the concept of racism in its many forms and impacts, in order to identify what being anti-racist can mean in practice. It will raise understanding of how racism impacts on our daily lives and look at how this provides privileges for some whilst disadvantaging others. The session will explore modern inequalities, sources of prejudice and the impacts this can have on identity. The session will seek to examine our roles in challenging racism in ourselves and others.

The second session, led by the Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) will focus on what can be done at a school and classroom level to promote equality and celebrate cultural diversity, exploring a range of approaches, strategies and resources. This session will set out the legal framework for promoting diversity and look at what work needs to be done in schools, including consideration of what individual teachers can do to effectively support all children in these aims

To register please visit:


Please note, you will need to log into Services for Schools in order to reserve a space so may need to speak with your school Business Manager/Bursar etc. if you do not have the login details yourselves.

Kind Regards,

Jo Stogiewicz

Joanna Stogiewicz | Advisory Teacher

Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Services (EMTAS)
Education & Skills; People Services, West Sussex County Council
Location: 4th Floor, Centenary House, Durrington Lane, Worthing, BN13 2QB