Our Website is going through a major redesign and we are now using a modern, secure and faster publishing engine.

We have had many logistical delays in achieving this upgrade this year due to Covid-19 lockdown and social distancing issues. As such some of the content you were looking for previously might not be available at this time. We are adding content in between our regular roles of teaching and supporting children within St. Anthony’s School.

If you were looking for anything specific please send an email to schooloffice@st-ants.org who can forward to the Novio Team.

Novio’s focus has changed to primarily be a web based approach to share information about SEND for Parent, Carers and Professionals in the Area South locality.

NOVIO also offers
SEND advice, information and signposting.
SEND professional information, staff training and development.

For assistance please contact by email at info@noviosupport.org