What is Novio?

Novio is a web based approach to share information about SEND for Parent, Carers and Professionals in the Area South locality.

NOVIO also offers
SEND advice, information and signposting.
SEND professional information staff training and development.

For assistance please contact by email at info@noviosupport.org

Novio is a operated out of St. Anthony’s School in Chichester, West Sussex.

The name Novio is taken from “Noviomagus Reginorum” the old Roman name for Chichester meaning “new market place” to resonate with SEND Local Offer legislation.

Some children have needs or disabilities that affect their ability to learn. For example:-
 *Behaviour / social skills
 *Reading and Writing
 *Understanding things
 *Physical needs and impairments

If you think your child may have a special educational need contact the person in your child’s setting responsible for special educational needs, (the person is often called a SENCO or special educational needs co-ordinator) to find out what support maybe available. Novio is working closely with local schools and settings to gain a greater understanding of the special educational needs of 0-25 year olds in the area so that appropriate support can be offered.

The West Sussex SEND IAS Service is able to provide impartial advice and information to parents and carers of children who have special educational needs. 

They can be contacted via Email: send.ias@westsussex.gov.uk or Helpline: 0330 222 8555 – Monday to Friday during office hours.

Reaching Families

Reaching Families is a parent-carer led charity which aims to empower parent-carers and families of children & young people with special educational needs and disabilities in West Sussex through the delivery of information, training and peer support.

Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service EMTAS

The Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service works with West Sussex schools to support pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds, particularly Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) pupils and pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL). 

Autism and Nature

Autism and Nature is a non-profit organisation dedicated to enriching the lives of people on the autistic spectrum, especially children, by engaging them with the countryside and nature. We believe that contact with the natural world can benefit a child’s learning, health and well-being. Click on the image below to view their fantastic website.

Flippin Pain

Flippin’ Pain™ is a public health campaign with a clear goal: To change the way we think about, talk about and treat persistent pain

Flippin’  your understanding of pain could change the lives of you and your loved ones forever.

Read the Campaign overview here.

They are currently exploring the topic Why rethinking pain really matters – explore their series of webinars for people affected by Chronic Pain.

Reaching Families Website Latest News and Events

Reaching Families News and Events

What is Autism?

Spotlight on PACSO

PACSO is a local charity that supports children with disabilities aged 0-25 and their families in the Chichester and Arun districts of West Sussex. We offer a range of respite activities and fun events for the whole family to enjoy.

PASCO Website